Saturday 18 August 2007

BigFishGames goes bye-bye

You may have noticed in the right-hand column a panel for BigFishGames. So far this has done no business and I've had enough of that with Agloco! It's time for non-performing elements to hit the road and theirs is the first casualty.
I haven't had much time to play with TreasureTrooper so earnings haven't been racking up with that one but after the holiday season I will be back to it - the link is on the right hand side of the site so if you haven't had a crack at it yet then hit the link and sign up. There is free money to be made there!
Work on the company website is taking up most of my time, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), getting backlinks out there etc. but the upside of that is I am learning as I go along and will post any useful stuff or sites/tools on here for everyone's benefit once I see them returning results. I'm just too good to you people!!
Get some comments in too... all are appreciated :-D

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